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17 09 2003 |
WATCH REPORT 2003 The Poor and the Market (with special focus on the unacknowledged social implications
of the General Agreement on Trade in Servises (GATS) and International development policies, incl. PPPs and PSPs).
In the moment (July 2003) only available in the Internet as several
-Files by chapters. Country by country and previous reports.
UN WORLD WATER DEVELOPMENT REPORT Water for People, Water for Life - 2003 World
Water Assessment Programme (576pp) Abstracts available in the Internet only
-Files, URL: http://www.unesco.org/water/wwap
URL: http://www.unesco.org/water/wwap/wwdr/ex_summary/index.shtml
: (on
your CD-ROM / engl. abstract of the UN WWDR, 36pp.) The Executive Summary of the UN World
Water Development Report is available online in 7 languages. |
Knowledge and Practical Techniques for
Combating Desertification in China
By The Secretariat of China National Committee for the Implementation
of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (CCICCD)
, 1999
ISBN: 7-80135-925-9
181 pages + 18 plates
URL: http://www.din.net.cn/asian_din/book2/ctk-1.html
China Desertification Network
URL: http://www.din.net.cn/ [offline]
Journal of Water Resources Development - Special Thematic Issue: Public-Private Partnership in the Middle
East and North Africa. Vol. 19, Number 2, June 2003. Carfax Publishing, Taylor & Francis Group (ISSN 0790-0627)
Chief Editor: Asit K. Biswas Editor: Cecilia Tortajada Guest Editors: Ismail Al Baz and Asit
K. Biswas
Waters: Sharing Benefits, Lessons Learned,
by Aaron T. Wolf, Department of Geosciences, Oregon State University.-
Thematic Background Paper.- International Conference on Freshwater,
Bonn 2001.
http://www.water-2001.de/co_doc/transboundary_waters.pdf [offline]
(also on your CD-ROM, 35pp.)
International Conference on Freshwater - Bonn 2001 - Conference
http://www.water-2001.de/outcome/reports (22pp.) [offline]
(also on your
CD-ROM the complete report, 123pp.)
International Water Law Project With Case Law, Recent Publications, Documents on Watercourses, Bibliography,
Useful Sites URL: http://www.internationalwaterlaw.org |
Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) - The International
Groundwater Organisation - Since 1956 a world-wide forum on the management of groundwater for the benefit of mankind
and the environment - IAH is a scientific and educational organisation whose aims are to promote research
into and understanding of the proper management and protection of groundwater for the common good throughout the
world. Important topic: Transboundary Aquifer Resource Management URL: http://www.iah.org/articles/may2000/art001.htm |
in watershed management in arid and semi-arid regions,
by P. Moriarty, Ch. Batchelor and Ch. van Wijk,
International Water and Sanitation Centre, July 2001
(DGIS - directorate-general for international cooperation of the Dutch
government - Policy Supporting Paper).
URL: http://www.irc.nl/themes/iwrm/....html
URL: http://www.cepis.ops-oms.org/....pdf
(also on your CD-ROM, 40pp.) |
MANUALS in the Internet -
URL: http://www.plantstress.com/admin/Files/.....htm
of the World's Water and the Implications for the Western United States,
by Peter H. Gleick, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development,
Environment, and Security. -
Background Paper for a Seminar on Sustainable Water Resources ...,
Washington, DC on 18 November 1996.
URL: http://www.globalchange.org/.....htm
irrigation for arid zones - Principles and options. - FAO, Development Series 1997. URL:
Water Harvesting for Crop Production URL: http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/aglw/wharv/wh01/sld001.htm |
Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) - Annual Report 2002 URL: http://www.iirr.org/
(also on your CD-ROM, 24pp.) |
Studies on Water Resource Planning - Lessons learned and keys to success, by N. Walmsley & N.J.Hasnip.-
DFID Report OD 138, August 1997 (Department for International Development). URL: http://www.eieretsher.org/arid/ressources/wallingford_overview.htm
(also on your CD-ROM, 42pp.) |
Resources Management
The World Bank Group
URL: http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/....
for Transboundary Water Management -
an Area of Action for Policy Dialogue
Dr. Gudrun Kochendörfer-Lucius, Director of the Development Policy
Forum - DSE / Annual Report 1998
URL: http://www.dse.de/aktuell/jb98ef.htm
Campus 21 Internet platform from InWEnt (Merger of CDG and DSE complete)
The knowledge
portal for international advanced training and cooperation.
Here, experts and managers from all over the world have the opportunity
to get further training beyond national borders. They can exchange
information and experience, establish contacts and work together
on projects.
URL: http://www.gc21.de/ibt/opengc21/ibt/index.html .
Stiftung für Internationale Entwicklung
URL: http://www.dse.de/home.htm
WORLD - An Initiative of the German Development Policy German
Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
URL: http://www.bmz.de/en/index.html
URL: http://www.dse.de/ef/efd-e.htm
URL: http://www.inwent.org/en/index.html .
Centre Régional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement à
Faible Coût (CREPA)
URL: http://www.oieau.fr/crepa/module1.html
University of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
URL: http://www.udsm.ac.tz/ac_programmes/programmes.html .
on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses, 1997 - International Law Commission
URL: http://www.un.org/law/ilc/texts/nonnav.htm |
The Water Page (incorp. the The African Water Page)
with many useful Links!
URL: http://www.thewaterpage.com
Trends: The Environmental Information Portal - World Resources Institute
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems, Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems
(large collection of watersheds all over the world / maps), Climate
and Atmosphere, Country Profiles, etc. --> very helpful source!
URL: http://earthtrends.wri.org/text/index.htm
Freshwater Dispute Database - A project of the Oregon State University,
Department of Geosciences.
URL: http://www.transboundarywaters.orst.edu
Sample on your CD-ROM - Shira Yoffe & Greg Fiske (2001)
of GIS for Analysis of Indicators of Conflict and Cooperation over
International Freshwater Resources (Chapter 3).- Water Policy,
World Water Council. |
literature and further information: (PDF-files
mostly on your CD-ROM) |
Annette Huber-Lee & Eric Kemp-Benedict (2002) "Agriculture:
Re-Adaptation to the Environment". |
A. Inocencio, H. Sally & D.J.Merry (2003) "Use
for Improving Food Security in Sub-Saharan-Africa".- International Water Management Institute, Working
Paper 55. |
"Best Practice Water
Conservation Principles - Reducing Dependency on River Murray Water - Australia" (2002). |
Takashi Asano (2001) "Water from (Waste)Water
- The dependable Water Resource".- University of California |
(2002) "Technology, Resource Management
and Development, Volume 2, Special Issue: Water Management".- Fachhochschule Köln, Institut
für Tropenökologie. |
Klaus-Peter Seiler (2002) Environmental Isotopes in the Hydrological
Cycle Principles and Applications Vol. V: Man's Impact on Groundwater
Systems.- UNESCO/IAEA Series.- GSF-Institute of Hydrology, Neuherberg,
Germany. .
URL: http://www.iaea.or.at/programmes/ripc/ih/volumes/volume5.htm.
(several PDF-Files).
3: Irrigation and the Impact on Groundwater Quality on
your CD-ROM. |
M.M.Tice (1996) "Plant Communities
as Indicators and Regulators for Degradation in the Manix Basin ". A Senior Thesis.- California Institute
of Technology. |
Paul L.G. Vlek et al. (2002) "Economic and Ecological
Reconstructuring of Land- and Water Use in the Region of Khorezm (Uzbekistan) - A Pilot Project in Development
Research.- Project Proposal. - Center for Development Research (ZEF Bonn). |
URL: Background on the Conference on Security, Stability, Development
and Cooperation in Africa (CSSDCA) - .
of the Secretary General Amara Essy on the Seventy-Fifth Ordinary
Session of the Council of Ministers (9 March, 2002) on
your CD-ROM |
Africa's Disappearing Lake Chad by VISIBLE EARTH (NASA) - A
searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of
the earth. .
most dramatic decrease in the size of the lake is shown in the fifteen
years between January 1973 and January 1987, shown as a video
(*.mov - file) on your CD-ROM
following video is a composite of Landsat-7 images from November 2000 to February 2001 showing the present
stage of Lake Chad. The small patch of blue that is now the lake stands in stark contrast to the wide swath of
the old lake bed (shown in green, indicating vegetation), shown as a video (*.mov - file) on
your CD-ROM |
one of the most important ways of protecting groundwater is to educate
those who use it." IAH
2002 |
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2003 AGNOS - Berlin |
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